Friday, May 27, 2016

G7 se compromete à pronta aplicação do Acordo de Paris - 48°51′24″N 2°21′03″E

O primeiro-ministro do Japão, Shinzo Abe, fala durante a cúpula do G7 em seu país

 - Atualizado: 27 Maio 2016 | 06h 08

Líderes destacaram a importância de diminuir as emissões nocivas no curto prazo e adotar mudanças imediatas em nível nacional

ISE-SHIMA - Os líderes do G7 se comprometeram nesta sexta-feira, 27, a conseguir uma rápida implementação do Acordo de Paris sobre mudança climática e a realizar os passos necessários para conseguir sua ratificação em todos os países signatários em 2016.

Na declaração conjunta adotada pelos líderes de Alemanha, Canadá, Estados Unidos, França, Itália, Japão e Reino Unido ao término da cúpula, todos se mostraram de acordo em participar "ativamente" desta nova empreitada e em suas revisões a cada cinco anos.
Os líderes reiteraram sua intenção de continuar buscando meios de "proporcionar e mobilizar maior financiamento para o clima através de fontes públicas e privadas" e encorajaram outros países a se mobilizarem para potencializar o financiamento para o clima.
O G7 reconheceu que estão ocorrendo "progressos constantes" para se atingir o objetivo de mobilizar conjuntamente US$ 100 bilhões anuais para 2020 no marco das ações para conter a mudança climática, mas pediu à comunidade internacional que continue realizando esforços para ajudar os países emergentes a desenvolver seus próprios planos na matéria.
"Reconhecemos que a inovação é fundamental para conseguir uma resposta global eficaz no longo prazo para nosso objetivo" e mostraram sua intenção de desempenhar um papel-chave neste sentido.
O Acordo de Paris, formulado em dezembro do ano passado, fixou como meta que o aumento da temperatura média mundial ao final do século fique abaixo dos 2 graus centígrados em relação aos níveis pré-industriais.

As 200 nações signatárias, entre elas o G7, também se comprometeram a tentar impedir que a média de temperatura ultrapasse 1,5ºC e o acordo ainda deve ser ratificado em nível nacional pela maioria dos países que o assinaram.
Os líderes dos sete países mais industrializadas do mundo também destacaram a importância de diminuir as emissões nocivas no curto prazo e, nesse sentido, comprometeram-se a adotar medidas em nível nacional.
Os líderes enalteceram a ambição dos países que assinaram o protocolo de Montreal em 1987, que se reuniram recentemente em Dubai, e de sua decisão de trabalhar na luta contra os hidrofluorocarbonetos (HFC), e mostraram sua intenção de proporcionar apoio adicional a sua luta.
O G7 também se mostrou firme em sua determinação de eliminar os subsídios para os combustíveis fósseis ineficientes até 2025 e encorajou todos os países a fazer o mesmo. /EFE

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Climate-Related Death of Coral Around World Alarms Scientists



SYDNEY, Australia — Kim Cobb, a marine scientist at the Georgia Institute of Technology, expected the coral to be damaged when she plunged into the deep blue waters off Kiritimati Island, a remote atoll near the center of the Pacific Ocean. Still, she was stunned by what she saw as she descended some 30 feet to the rim of a coral outcropping.
“The entire reef is covered with a red-brown fuzz,” Dr. Cobb said when she returned to the surface after her recent dive. “It is otherworldly. It is algae that has grown over dead coral. It was devastating.”
The damage off Kiritimati is part of a mass bleaching of coral reefs around the world, only the third on record and possibly the worst ever. Scientists believe that heat stress from multiple weather events including the latest, severe El Niño, compounded by climate change, has threatened more than a third of Earth’s coral reefs. Many may not recover.
Coral reefs are the crucial incubators of the ocean’s ecosystem, providing food and shelter to a quarter of all marine species, and they support fish stocks that feed more than one billion people. They are made up of millions of tiny animals, called polyps, that form symbiotic relationships with algae, which in turn capture sunlight and carbon dioxide to make sugars that feed the polyps.
An estimated 30 million small-scale fishermen and women depend on reefs for their livelihoods, more than one million in the Philippines alone. In Indonesia, fish supported by the reefs provide the primary source of protein.
“This is a huge, looming planetary crisis, and we are sticking our heads in the sand about it,” said Justin Marshall, the director of CoralWatch at Australia’s University of Queensland.
Bleaching occurs when high heat and bright sunshine cause the metabolism of the algae — which give coral reefs their brilliant colors and energy — to speed out of control, and they start creating toxins. The polyps recoil. If temperatures drop, the corals can recover, but denuded ones remain vulnerable to disease. When heat stress continues, they starve to death.

Damaged or dying reefs have been found from Réunion, off the coast of Madagascar, to East Flores, Indonesia, and from Guam and Hawaii in the Pacific to the Florida Keys in the Atlantic.
The largest bleaching, at Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, was confirmed last month. In a survey of 520 individual reefs that make up the Great Barrier Reef’s northern section, scientists from Australia’s National Coral Bleaching Task Force found only four with no signs of bleaching. Some 620 miles of reef, much of it previously in pristine condition, had suffered significant bleaching.
In follow-up surveys, scientists diving on the reef said half the coral they had seen had died. Terry Hughes, the director of the Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies at James Cook University in Queensland, who took part in the survey, warned that even more would succumb if the water did not cool soon.


“There is a good chance a large portion of the damaged coral will die,” he added.
Scientists say the global bleaching is the result of an unusual confluence of events, each of which raised water temperatures already elevated by climate change.
In the North Atlantic, a strong high-pressure cell blocked the normal southward flow of polar air in 2013, kicking off the first of three warmer-than-normal winters in a row as far south as the Caribbean.
A large underwater heat wave formed in the northeastern Pacific in early 2014, and has since stretched into a wide band along the west coast of North America, from Baja California to the Bering Sea. Nicknamed the Blob, it is up to four degrees Fahrenheit warmer than surrounding waters, and has been blamed for a host of odd phenomena, including the beaching of hungry sea lions in California and the sighting of tropical skipjack tuna off Alaska.
Then came 2015, with the most powerful El Niño climate cycle in a century. It blasted heat across the tropical and southern Pacific, bleaching reefs from Kiritimati to Indonesia, and across the Indian Ocean to Réunion and Tanzania on Africa’s east coast.
“We are currently experiencing the longest global coral bleaching event ever observed,” said C. Mark Eakin, the Coral Reef Watch coordinator at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in Maryland. “We are going to lose a lot of the world’s reefs during this event.”
Reefs that take centuries to form can be destroyed in weeks. Individual corals may survive a bleaching, but repeated bleachings can kill them.
Lurid reports of damaged reefs started coming in from worried scientists in the summer of 2014.
Lyza Johnston, a marine biologist in the Northern Mariana Islands, dived to the reefs off Maug, a group of small islands: “In every direction, nearly all of the corals were bright white.”
Misaki Takabayashi, a marine scientist at the University of Hawaii at Hilo, surfed the waves above the blue rice coral there: “I could see what looked like bleached white ghosts popping up off the ocean floor at me.”
Cory Walter, a senior biologist at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Florida, peered down from a boat over Wonderland Reef off the Lower Florida Keys: “It almost looks like it snowed on the reef.”
Predicting the duration of the bleaching or forecasting the next one is difficult. The Blob has cooled somewhat, and El Niño, while weakening, is expected to stretch into 2017.
Dr. Eakin, the coral-reef specialist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, said he expected the bleaching to continue for nine more months. Scientists will not be able to measure the full extent of the damage until it is over.


What is clear is that these events are happening with increasing frequency — and ferocity. The previous bleachings, in 2010 and 1998, do not appear to have been as extensive or prolonged as the current one.
The 1998 bleaching, which Dr. Eakin said had been set off by a fierce El Niño, killed around 16 percent of the world’s coral. By 2010, oceans had warmed enough that it took only a moderate El Niño to start another round.
Then in 2013, Dr. Eakin said, “a lot of bleaching happened due to climate change, before the El Niño had even kicked in.”
Reefs that were bleached in 2014, like those in the Florida Keys and the Caribbean, had no time to regenerate before suffering further thermal stress from El Niño last year, leaving the coral vulnerable to disease and death.
The reefs in the Florida Keys “are about to go into a third year straight of bleaching, something that has never happened before,” said Meaghan Johnson, a marine scientist at the Nature Conservancy. “We are worried about disease and mortality rates.”
Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, the director of Australia’s Global Change Institute, noted that 2015 was the hottest year ever recorded, both on land and in the oceans — breaking a record set just the year before.
“Rising temperatures due to climate change have pushed corals beyond their tolerance levels,” he said, adding that back-to-back bleaching can be particularly deadly to the corals.
El Niño warms the equatorial waters around Kiritimati Island more than anywhere else in the world, making it a likely harbinger for the health of reefs worldwide. That is why Dr. Cobb, the Georgia Tech scientist who made the recent dive, has been making the trek at least once a year for the past 18 to the tiny atoll, part of the Line Islands archipelago.
Though the atoll sits just north of the Equator, trade winds suck water up from the depths of the ocean, usually keeping the water temperature surrounding the reefs a healthy, nearly constant 78 degrees.
But in 2015, the expected upwelling of deep, cold water did not happen, Dr. Cobb said, speaking by satellite phone after her dive. So water in the atoll was 10 degrees warmer than normal, and never cooled enough to allow coral to recover.
“The worst has happened,” she said. “This shows how climate change and temperature stresses are affecting these reefs over the long haul. This reef may not ever be the same.”

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Reúso de água da chuva nas edificações passa a ser obrigatória em Florianópolis SC Brazil

Todas as edificações comerciais e residenciais com área acima de 200m² construídas em Florianópolis, capital de Santa Catarina, deverão ter captação de água das chuvas para reúso. A determinação consta do projeto de lei nº 1.231/2013, de autoria do vereador Pedro de Assis Silvestre (PP), aprovado pela Câmara Municipal de Florianópolis no dia 1º de fevereiro.
De acordo com o projeto, o sistema de captação e reúso de águas pluviais deve ser submetido a tratamento sanitário e a finalidade é para atividades que não exijam que a água seja potável, como para regar jardins ou para os vasos sanitários. As motivações para o texto, segundo o vereador Pedrão, é a grande quantidade de chuva na capital catarinense. “É necessário estimular as pessoas para que tenham atitudes mais conscientes. Além de ser ecologicamente correto, este sistema de captação é viável financeiramente, pois custa em torno de 1% do valor total da obra”, disse.
O texto da proposta também destaca que a elaboração e execução de leis neste sentido são fundamentais, principalmente, pelo fato de 80% da população brasileira viver em áreas urbanas, tornando assim urgente a implementação de condicionantes na esfera da construção civil favoráveis a um ambiente urbano mais harmonizado com as necessidades humanas, incluindo uma maior integração entre o meio ambiente e a qualidade de vida.
Sistema Integrado Ecoesgoto é o sistema da Ecotelhado que faz o reuso de água, ele é uma nova geração de tratamento de efluentes, agregado a um design ecológico. É inovador porque une tecnologia e inclusão biológica no mesmo sistema, para que todo o processo de tratamento seja mais eficaz.
Vermifiltro: todo o efluente doméstico é direcionado para o Vermifiltro, onde a parte sólida será filtrada e digerida pelas minhocas, transformando-a em húmus que servirá de nutriente para as plantas.
Torre Verde: o efluente líquido que sai do Vermifiltro é encaminhado para a Torre Verde, que é cercada de vegetação por todos os lados, onde a água percola e é oxigenada antes de chegar no Ecotelhado/Wetland.
Ecotelhado / Wetland: a água chega no Wetland com 90% de limpeza. Nesta etapa, ocorre o tratamento por zona de raízes em toda extensão da laje, onde as bactérias alocadas nas raízes das macrófitas fazem o tratamento junto a fotossíntese das plantas.
Cisterna subterrânea: a água que excede o Ecotelhado depois do tratamento pode ser direcionada para um reservatório e ser utilizada para irrigação de vegetações (exceto hortaliças). Reutilização nos vasos sanitários. Obs: O Vermifiltro deverá ter um ladrão ligado a rede pública ou a um sumidouro para eventuais manutenções.
Alguns dos benefícios desse sistema são: Mimetização da ETE no paisagismo, mais economia, maior eficiência no tratamento, não causa odor, traz menor consumo de energia para atingir mesmos padrões de qualidade, melhor custo benefício, menor custo inicial de instalação quando a comparada à outras soluções, menor custo de manutenção anual, dispensa o uso de produtos químicos, sem necessidade de retirada de lodo.
SantaCatarina Municip Florianopolis.svg
Coordinates: 27°50′S 48°25′W

Sunday, May 15, 2016


After 4 years of persecution by the local gov. pretrol producers in a country without protection on visionaries people , we return to disseminate information and solutions on how to avoid the global climate change in the near future.

Germany produced so much renewable energy it ended up paying people to use it.

Last weekend Germany’s power grid was swimming in renewable energy, so much so that power prices went negative. The country was generating so much renewable energy on Sunday that, for a few hours, residents actually earned money from using electricity.
The weather was the cause of this monumental occasion—it was a particularly sunny and windy day—which allowed the country’s wind, solar, hydro, and biomass power plants to supply the country with 87 percent of its energy.
Gas plants actually shutdown because of the momentary surge, but nuclear and coal plants were unable to wind-down fast enough, causing a surplus. This extra power on this grid meant for a limited time, some consumers were earning money keeping the lights on.
The news brings hope that the promises made at the 2015 Paris Climate Summit will be kept. Germany has made a pledge to have its country’s electricity supply come from 100 percent renewable energy by 2050 and emissions 40 percent below what they were in 1990 by 2020.
Renewable energy adoption has grown significantly in the United States, thanks to the lowering of costs to install solar panels combined with government incentives. The city of San Francisco recently passed an ordinance requiring all new buildings to have solar panels. It makes a world run wholly on renewable energy seem within sight.
Germany’s weekend renewable energy surge is great news as the world continues to move toward a zero-emission economy. But when news of these occurrences becomes so commonplace it no longer makes headlines, that will be a truly momentous occasion.
Image Credit: Jeroen Komen/ Flickr

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